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Hocken Collections

Uare Taoka o Hakena
Hockens collections celebrate the histories, cultures and natural enviornments of AotearoaNew Zealand, and the Pacific with special emphasis on southern New Zealand

The Hocken Gallery showcases the collections with a dynamic programme ofengaging exhibitions.

Our founder, Dr T. M. Hocken, gave his collection to the University of Otago intrust for the people of New Zealand. Open since 1910, Hocken has grown into anational research hub. Its collections of archives, publications, maps, pictures andphotographs focus on the history, cultures and natural environment of AotearoaNew Zealand, the Pacific and Antarctica with special emphasis on southern NewZealand. The art collection, one of the largest in the country, contains manyhistorical and contemporary treasures.

A vast research repository of artworks, photographs, manuscripts, maps and published material relating to New Zealand and the South Pacific, with an exhibition gallery.

Free tours every Thursday at 11am, maximum of 10 per tour (bookings not required)

Exhibition gallery with a changing program of up to four shows a year

Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm
(Closed Sundays and Mondays, NZ public holidays including Christmas/New Year)
Check the website for updates on opening hours and the exhibition programme.
hours Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri 9.30-5.00
Tue 9:30-9:00
Sat 9.00-12.00
address 90 Anzac Avenue, Dunedin
phone 03 479 8868
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